[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Kameraudlejningen Aps/Kamerautleien AS/Kamerauthyrningen AB

Standard rental terms as per 1/1-2017

Following are the rental terms, if any exemptions to these terms are agreed, they must to be in writing and issued before the rental period starts.

Rental period and check of equipment

It is the responsibility of the lessee to do a complete check of the rented equipments condition, as well as software status, before the equipment leaves the rental company premises. All claims after this are not accepted.

The lessee or their representative has full responsibility for the equipment after leaving the rental company premises. The lessee or their representative is responsible for returning the equipment before the ending of the beforehand agreed rental period as well as being fully responsible for the return of the equipment in the same condition as when it left the rental house, in regards to, but not limited to, the mechanical as well as packing and cleaning state.

Equipment not returned in the above mentioned state will be cleaned packed and serviced at the clients expense at the standard daily rate

The lessee or their representative is responsible for communicating, well in advance, to the rental company, if equipment is not returned before the agreed rental periods ends.

Lessee will be charged with a fee for Late returned equipment or equipment not delivered back in a working condition, as a minimum according to the current list rental price, until delivered back, repaired or substituted by new equipment. In the above mentioned cases all agreements to special discounts, insurance agreements and other special conditions will terminate at end off original rental period unless otherwise agreed in writing by the rental house before end of original rental period. If the rental company is in need to sub rent equipment due to above mentioned, all expenses will be charged the lessee.

Usage and handling

It is the responsibility of the lessee that the equipment at all times is kept protected from weather, shock and  vibration. Under all transport it is to be kept in sufficient transport cases. The equipment must at all times be operated in a safe normal operation manner , if in any doubt the rental house shall always be contacted prior to extreme operation conditions. The lessee is responsible for proper insurance of the equipment, this includes, but is not limited to, insurance for theft, damage, loss, accidents and third part liability , while in the possession of the lessee. The rental house can under no circumstance be liable for any damage to persons or third parties due to the use of the equipment.

The equipment must at all times be kept under surveillance or locked in a proper safe storage room locked and covered by alarm. In case of storage in vehicles these must at all times be properly locked and with alarm coverage in function. Storage in vehicles is only allowed in cargo area and not visible from the outside (Not in the passenger cabin.) Between 19:00 and 07:00 vehicles need to be in a locked garage or enclosed area under surveillance.

The equipment must only be handled by competent users who are professionals trained in handling the according type of equipment. In case of damage or malfunctioning of the equipment, the lessee must take immediate action to prevent further damage to the equipment and inform the rental house.

The equipment is not to be used for drone or aerial operation as well as underwater or stunt work without prior permission.

The rental company does not cover any losses due to malfunctioning or wrong use/handling of the equipment.


In case of loss or damage to the equipment while in the lessees possession, the rental house has the sole right to chose repair facility as well as supplier for purchase of substitution equipment. For equipment that is non repairable or lost, the substitution equipment will be charged at the daily list price for purchase of new equipment, a potential lower insurance value by lessees insurance policy or poorer conditions is in full lessees responsibility . Special vintage equipment that is non repairable due to non obtainable spare parts will be charged at full price either for comparable equipment or the original price for the purchase of the item.


The lessee is responsible for the operation/usage of rental vehicles at all times is conducted in a legal and safe manner regarding any law. Ie speeding/overloading/parking/driving hours imitations. For vehicles over total weight 3500KG  the lessee is the responsible transporter as per law of trucking. The lessee is to pay any fees or fines arising in conjunction with the vehicle during the full rental period. The lessee is the sole responsible for all daily maintenance of vehicles during the rental period, this includes but is not limited to; tire pressure, oil level and other liquids, light bulb change. Vehicles should be returned with a full tank otherwise a fee will be charged for filling the tank. All smoking in vehicles is strictly prohibited, this also includes e-cigarettes.  Any accident should be reported immediately to the rental house, continued use of vehicles should stop immediately in case for excessive wear to vehicle due to the accident/damage.  All vehicles are covered by legal insurance regarding third part liability. Damages to the vehicles are covered with a deductible for each accident and vehicle of 15.000Kr for vehicles under 3500 KG and 25.000Kr for vehicles over 3500KG. The insurance does not cover damages due to faulty operation and rough treatment, clutches are also not covered as well as any damage arisen due to driving on other surfaces than asphalt roads and any misuse done deliberately.


Cancelation of rentals shorter than 3 days can be done free of charge 72 hours, prior to the rental. Cancellation between 72 and 12 hours prior to the rental is charged with 50% of rental amount. Longer rentals than 3 days will be charged with 50% if cancelled later than 5 days prior to the rental period. In case of specially ordered/reserved equipment from third party, all expenses will be charged in full.

Payment/business terms

Standard payment terms are cash on receipt of invoice. Rentals longer than 1 week will normally be charged in installments. All amounts will be added local TAX / VAT/MWA/MOMS. We only accept clients who are registered companies. Credit is only given to registered clients. We reserve the right to charge prepayment, in part or full, for new costumers. At the end of the rental period a final invoice will be issued with all extras due regarding fees, fines, damages, repair, cleaning, expendables and missing items. This final invoice could be delayed in some cases due to long repair and evaluation time but does under no circumstance free the lessee from payment. We reserve the right to deny rental to customers who cannot prove that they have proper insurance coverage.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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